Iwájú, the groundbreaking Disney animated series created in collaboration with Kugali, a Pan-African comic book entertainment company, has been nominated in three prestigious categories at the 3rd Annual Children’s & Family Emmy Awards. The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS) announced the nominations, marking a historic moment for Nigerian animation.
The series has been recognized in the categories of Children’s or Young Teen Animated Series, Younger Voice Performer in a Preschool, Children’s or Young Teen Program, and Directing for an Animated Series.
Set in a futuristic Lagos, the six-episode series follows the intertwined lives of Tola, a young heiress from a wealthy island, and Kole, a tech-savvy and resourceful boy from the mainland. Directed by Olufikayo Ziki Adeola and Halima Hudson, the show explores themes of friendship, societal divides, and hidden secrets, making it a captivating narrative for audiences worldwide.
This nomination milestone is the first for a Nigerian animated series at the Emmy Awards, reflecting the growing global recognition of African storytelling and creativity.
The Children’s & Family Emmy Awards, dedicated to excellence in programming for younger audiences, will take place on March 15, 2025, in Los Angeles. The event celebrates outstanding achievements in television, streaming, and animation, shining a spotlight on inspiring and innovative content for children and families.
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