BrandArena : Joy Harrison-Abiola Appointed Chair of IBA's Law Firm Management CEO Subcommittee

Monday 27 May 2024

Joy Harrison-Abiola Appointed Chair of IBA's Law Firm Management CEO Subcommittee

Joy Harrison-Abiola has been named Chair of the International Bar Association (IBA) Law Firm Management CEO Subcommittee (LFMC). The LFMC is a prominent global platform for sharing best practices in law firm leadership and management, focusing on the exchange of concepts, experiences, knowledge, and trends in the field.

Emily Griffin-Saunders, SPPI/BIC Administrator at the IBA, announced Joy’s appointment, stating: "We are thrilled to confirm your appointment as Chair of the Law Firm Management CEO Subcommittee, effective from January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2025."

The LFMC, a new international initiative, targets law firm CEOs, COOs, CFOs, CTOs, Practice Managers, Directors, and Lead Administrators in senior management roles. Its mission is to foster understanding, collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and professional development among law firm Business Services Professionals and Partners globally.

Joy Harrison-Abiola brings over 25 years of experience as a certified Organization Development, Leadership, and Business Transformation consultant in the legal industry. She recently concluded a 22-year tenure at Dentons ACAS-LAW as the Practice Administrator, where she led strategic management of the firm’s business operations. Joy was instrumental in the historic 2021 merger of ACAS-Law with Dentons, the world's largest law firm.

Joy was instrumental in establishing the first law firm management development program (MDP) at the Lagos Business School (LBS), Pan African University, in collaboration with the Association of Legal Administrators (ALA) Illinois, USA. This initiative led to the formation of the Nigerian Association of Legal Administrators in 2010. In 2011, the Association evolved into the Practice Administrator Forum (PAF) and eventually became the Association of Law Firm Administrators, Nigeria (ALAN). Joy is the co-founder and President Emeritus of ALAN.

Joy is a Newspaper Columnist. Her column "FROM THE BACK OFFICE" in the LAWYER, a THISDAY Live Weekly pull-out focuses on the need for law firms to meticulously cultivate business best practices and embrace the multidisciplinary competencies necessary for effective business operations. The column delves into these nuanced concepts, offering insights on re-engineering the business services professionals' role within law firms.

Joy Harrison-Abiola, together with a host of other global officers are poised to improve the nexus between Partners and senior business executives in law firms, creating a future proof law firm management structure.

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