BrandArena : Spain Pledges Support for Libya Energy & Economic Summit 2023

Wednesday 2 August 2023

Spain Pledges Support for Libya Energy & Economic Summit 2023

In preparation for the Libya Energy & Economic Summit 2023, the Ambassador of Spain, His Excellency Javier Ga-Larrache Olalquiaga, met today with representatives of the summit organizers.

The Ambassador met with James Chester, Senior Director of the organizing company Energy Capital & Power, and with the local partner, Libyan businessman Ahmed Al-Ghazali, Vice President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Libya.

The Spanish Ambassador expressed his country’s readiness to support the event, stressing his interest that Spanish companies taking a major role in this 2023 edition.

The strong role of Spain’s companies in supporting Libya’s economic growth, and their participation in the Libya Energy & Economic Summit 2023, will complement their presence at the previous summit in 2021.

The Ambassador congratulated the organizers on a successful 2021 summit and highlighted that renewable energy in particular would be a focus area for Spain and its companies in this year’s event.

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