Intel has launched its newest generation Intel Xeon W-3300 processors, available today from its system integrator partners. Built for advanced workstation professionals, Intel Xeon W-3300 processors offer uncompromised performance, expanded platform capabilities, and enterprise-grade security and reliability in a single-socket solution.
Intel Xeon W-3300 processors are intelligently engineered to push the boundaries of performance, with a new processor core architecture that transforms for what expert workstation users can accomplish on a workstation.
Why It Matters: The Intel Xeon W-3300 processors are designed for next-gen professional applications with heavily threaded, input/output-intensive workloads. Use cases stretch across artificial intelligence (AI), architecture, engineering, construction (AEC), and media and entertainment (M&E). With a new processor core architecture to transform the efficiency and advanced technologies to support data integrity, Intel Xeon W-3300 processors are equipped to deliver uncompromising workstation performance.
About the New Intel Xeon W-3300 Processors: Five new processors (W-3375, W-3365, W-3345, W-3335 and W-3323) deliver outstanding performance with expanded platform capabilities in a single-socket solution. They include up to 38 cores and 76 threads with Intel Hyper-Threading Technology, frequencies up to 4.0 GHz, 64 processors PCIe* Gen 4.0 lanes and up to 4TB of DDR4-3200 error-correcting code (ECC) memory support.
Intel Xeon W-3300 processors feature a new processor core architecture representing a new era in performance and efficiency, and as compared to the previous generation deliver:
Performance results are based on testing as of May 20, 2021 and may not reflect all publicly available updates. No product can be absolutely secure. For workloads and configurations visit
Altering clock frequency or voltage may void any product warranties and reduce stability, security, performance, and life of the processor and other components. Check with system and component manufacturers for details.
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