BrandArena : World Bank Supports Vision Production Limited

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

World Bank Supports Vision Production Limited

World Bank in partnership with the Nigerian Government to help support Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) operating in different high potential sectors throughout the country has selected Vision Production Limited, a manufacturer of concrete light pole as one of its beneficiaries amongst other MSME’s that have potential for growth and room for creating massive employment.

The Growth and Employment project (GEM) implemented under the Federal Ministry of Trade and Investment (FMITI) is established on the verge to diversify the economy, support sectors that have potential for growth and sustainably increase number of jobs.

Vision Production Limited (VPL) was selected as one of the beneficiaries of the World Bank ‘’Bigportal” program amongst others after a rigorous prequalification process. VPL will have access to a wide range of BIG Services including; Consulting, Training and Grants.

Speaking about the project, CEO Vision Production Limited Mr. Tunji Okanlanwon said , “I would like to appreciate the Federal Government and World Bank for this great initiative and seeing potentials in SME’s like ours and giving us a platform that will help us grow‘’

‘’At VPL, we manufacture concrete electricity poles for rural electrification and other electrification projects. Our concrete electric poles are certified by Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON) and they conform to government approved production standards. We believe in quality that is why we strive to offer to our customers the best in order to prove that quality is the central point of all business activities’’ he added.

The GEM project is an initiative of Federal Government of Nigeria in conjunction with the World Bank to provide direct support to the “Business Innovation and Growth (BIG) portal platform” the primary means of interaction between the project and its beneficiaries. The project became effective in July 2013, and will close in September 2018.  The project focuses on manufacturing and service sectors, specifically supporting ICT, entertainment, tourism and hospitality, light manufacturing, agro-processing industries and construction.

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