BrandArena : Climate Change Solutions: Canada commits $22.6 Million to support training of African Mathematical Scientists

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Climate Change Solutions: Canada commits $22.6 Million to support training of African Mathematical Scientists

Marie-Claude Bibeau
The Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of International Development and La Francophonie, has announced that Canada will contribute CA$22.6 million over five years to the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences – Next Einstein Initiative to train African mathematical scientists to develop climate change adaptation and mitigation solutions.

With the funding, AIMS will expand its successful model of training African post-graduate students in advanced mathematical sciences to incorporate a greater focus on climate change. The funding will be delivered via Global Affairs Canada (CA$19.6 million) and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) (CA$3 million). IDRC will manage the funding on behalf of the Government of Canada.

With this Government of Canada funding, AIMS will develop a specialized program in climate change at AIMS-Rwanda and a climate change course option will be offered at all AIMS centres.

AIMS will also support up to three research chairs to lead some 50 African researchers to build a specialized body of knowledge in addressing the impacts of climate change in Africa. AIMS will create a climate change internship program for its students and alumni, as well as research fellowships for outstanding African women mathematical scientists to conduct climate change research. An additional AIMS centre will be opened in Francophone Africa.

AIMS is building a critical mass of mathematical scientists in Africa who can address the continent’s complex economic, health, agriculture, and environmental challenges. Every year, some 50 of Africa’s top students enroll in each of AIMS’ six centres to take a 10-month graduate-level course, leading to a Master’s degree in mathematical science.

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