BrandArena : Tokyo 2020 Unveils New Second-tier Partners

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Tokyo 2020 Unveils New Second-tier Partners

The organising committee for the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan has confirmed security services companies SECOM and ALSOK as new official partners.

The two companies have been named partners in the security services and planning category. The official partner status represents the second-highest domestic tier of the Tokyo 2020 sponsorship programme, behind the top-tier gold partners.

Hiroshi Ito, president of SECOM, said: “At the Tokyo 1964 Olympic Games, held two years after SECOM was founded, we provided security services at the Olympic Village as a private security services company and were proud to have the opportunity to contribute to the success of the Olympic Games. The experience and knowhow SECOM gained, as well as the trust the company earned in the process, have led to our further success.”

The new signings bring the total number of Tokyo 2020 partners to 21, including seven official partners.

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