BrandArena : Nokia Networks unveils its programmable 5G multi-service architecture #NetworksPerform

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Nokia Networks unveils its programmable 5G multi-service architecture #NetworksPerform

Nokia Networks is revealing a programmable 5G architecture that overcomes the rigidity of legacy networks. The architecture automatically and dynamically adapts radio access and core network resources to meet the needs of different services, traffic variations over time and location, and network topology, including transport.

The quality of customer experiences will be substantially higher, while almost instant response and rock-solid connectivity promise to transform the business processes of industry sectors from manufacturing to automotive and healthcare. Operators will be able to offer network functions to any kind of industry under a Network-as-a-Service business model.
Building a separate system to meet the future requirements and use cases is not an option. The real opportunity is in developing 5G as a system of systems that can meet all requirements and provide a seamless service from the user's perspective.

Although 5G standardization has not started yet, this holistic concept provides a clear view on what the future 5G architecture needs to be. Many of the components are already up and running.

Volker Ziegler, Chief Architect at Nokia Networks, said: "Nokia Networks is leading industry-wide 5G architecture work through various vehicles such as the 5G-Public Private Partnership (5G-PPP) project 5G NORMA (5G Novel Radio Multiservice adaptive network Architecture). With our cognitive and cloud-optimized architecture for the 5G era, we have outlined an end-to-end architecture that will allow unprecedented and cognitive customizability to meet stringent performance, security, cost, and energy requirements. It will fuel economic growth through new business models across vertical sectors, such as Network-as-a-Service for other industries to use network functions as they need them."

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