BrandArena : Love across the Twittersphere

Friday, 13 February 2015

Love across the Twittersphere

What happens in the real world happens on Twitter, and love is no exception. Messages of “I love you,”  are sent each day on Twitter, so we looked into which countries are saying it the most.

This map shows how people are expressing “I love you” across the globe in 100 different languages.
 Inline image 1

If you’re interested to see if your home country is among the most “in love", scroll to the bottom of the map.

Inline image 2

While folks are always expressing their love for one another on Twitter, they’re also Tweeting about major relationship milestones. Below we’ve visualized the “Calendar of love” on Twitter, which shows when people are most likely to experience certain significant moments like marriage and divorce, according to Tweets.
During Valentine period, a lot of things happen to couple. Some go to catch fun, some other marry, others get engaged, and the likes. However, some of the hastags that could help pass your tweet to your val during this valentine period are;  #FridayThe13th , #engaged, #wedding , #love, #bride, #groom, #valentinevote,  #Valentine2015. #FirstDate, #africkswag, , #justmarried, #bridetobe, #fiancee, #fiance, #bachelorette, #FriendZone, and so on.

Why not tweet today how much you feel at val.

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