BrandArena : Beyond the Classroom: The Case for Younovators, Youngpreneurs and Advertising

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Beyond the Classroom: The Case for Younovators, Youngpreneurs and Advertising

As venture capital firms, collaborative works spaces and creative schools become mainstream, young and enterprising Nigerians are leveraging the opportunities afforded them through these platforms to learn new skills in mobile technology, management information systems, apps and software development, Trends Marketing, business model design, and digital marketing.
One of such creative institutions is Orange Academy, Africa’s School of Integrated Brand Experience situated in Lagos. Orange is a creative hub where students that have been admitted into the annual IBX Program are taught how to develop strategic marketing plans and digital platforms, which are beneficial to connecting brands to consumers.

The effect of these initiatives, inventions and innovations will be the subject of discourse during a keynote presentation titled, The Next Wired Generation: Orange Minds and the Future of Advertising, delivered by Franklin Ozekhome at Social Media Week Lagos 2015.

Social Media Week is a leading news platform and worldwide conference that curates and shares the best ideas, innovations and insights into how social media and technology are changing business, society and culture around the world.

Ozekhome, a marketing strategist and the former head of Insight Communications, will be providing an analysis of the potential power of Nigerian youths, social media platforms and their impact on the future of integrated marketing communications, using Orange Academy as a case study. Ozekhome is also the Dean of Studies at Orange, and recently launched TINK Africa, a startup consumer insight firm. In October, he was invited to share insights and emerging trends on the Nigerian digital consumer at Social Media Week Johannesburg.

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