BrandArena : Gaviscon Partners Experts to Expand Brand Equity

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Gaviscon Partners Experts to Expand Brand Equity

The success of a company often rests on solid reputation. Critical to this success factor are its stakeholders - those whose decisions can either affect the brand positively or negatively. Active stakeholder engagement therefore represents one of the ways by which the reputation of a brand is built and sustained.

In line with this thinking, Gaviscon, a non-prescription pharmaceutical brand, used in the treatment of heartburn and Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD) from the stables of Reckitt Benckiser, a multinational consumer goods company, partnered a major stakeholder - the Society for Gastroenterology and Hepatology in Nigeria (SOGHIN), to host the 7th Scientific Conference and Annual General Meeting of the association at the Nike Lake Resort, Enugu.

This partnership with SOGHIN is in consonance with Gaviscon’s determination to explore new ways of treating Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). Tagged ‘Challenges of Gastroenterology Practice in Nigeria’, the event featured insightful presentations by a reputable international faculty.

Preceding the SOGHIN conference, Gaviscon hosted members of the Golden Faculty, a think tank which stands for ‘Gaviscon Opinion Leaders of Nigeria’. The event brought together eminent medical professionals in the fields of gastroenterology, hepatology, family medicine, pharmacy and other allied specialties.

Themed ‘Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease, Where Are We?’, the session was facilitated by a Gastroenterologist of global recognition, Dr. Asif Naqvi (FRCP), Consultant Gastroenterologist and Director of Medical Education at Princess Diana of Wales Hospital, United Kingdom. Dr. Sumaila Adamu, from Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, Kano also made a presentation at the event.

Highlighting how Gaviscon works, Marketing Manager, Healthcare Reckitt Benckiser West Africa, Mr. Qaiser Rashid, pointed out that when a person has heartburn or reflux disease, Gaviscon goes into the stomach and forms a raft on top which prevents the acid pepsin and bile from coming on top.

Speaking on the effectiveness of the Gaviscon brand in treating GERD, Dr. Asif Naqvi, stated that Gaviscon is a very old time effective product such that it has become a home remedy. His words, “Over the years we have understood exactly how Gaviscon works and why it’s so much effective than the so called other simple antacids. So far this product has been treated as if it was one of the antacids the fact is that Gaviscon is not an antacid but a separate product which has got a definite mechanism of action which is very effective”.

In the same vein, Dr. Sumaila Adamu emphasized the effectiveness of the Gaviscon brand in treating patients with GERD. He said, “Gaviscon is a very good innovation in the management of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease because it is an alginate which tends to give a lot of protection to the acid irritation oesophagus. It is a very important molecule to the gastroenterologists”.

Also speaking at the event, President of the Society for Gastroenterology and Hepatology in Nigeria (SOGHIN), Prof. Olusegun Ojo, stated that this initiative from Gaviscon is helping practitioners to develop more awareness of the gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. His words, “This regular focus on the disease aided by Gaviscon, is helping practitioners develop a research and clinical interest on a problem that already exists that we didn’t realize the extent of its prevalence in our population”.

Experts added that Acid Reflux, known as Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is a serious medical condition. They said, while the stomach is lined with special cells which prevents stomach acids and pepsin that digest food from hurting the stomach walls, the oesophagus doesn’t have these, and over time, the repeated splashing of acids from the stomach burns and scars the walls. Not only is Reflux disease uncomfortable and painful when left untreated, it can eventually lead to more serious health problems such as ulcers, stomach cancer and cancer of the oesophagus.


  1. The article was up to the point and described the information very effectively. Thanks to blog author for wonderful and informative post.

  2. I’m still trying to quit… for the third time.. I hope this will be my last try!
