BrandArena : Eko Hotels Management Welcome Zuriel To Nigeria - Official Project Sponsor

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Eko Hotels Management Welcome Zuriel To Nigeria - Official Project Sponsor

#FollowTheBallForEducation the project conceived by 11 year old Nigerian Girl - Zuriel Oduwole, formally arrived in its fourth country of Nigeria a few days ago. After the footballs travelled 19.380 miles through the US, Brazil, and Ethiopia with signatures from more than 20 nationalities, they arrived in Nigeria to media and corporate receptions across Lagos.

L-R: GM Danny Kioupouroglou, Zuriel and Group MD Ghassan Faddoul
Zuriel and the footballs arrived on Ethiopian Airlines, her official carrier on all her projects. She has been busy on many programs, had 2 live TV appearances, and made time to visit Osun State, where she presented an Education award to Governor Rauf Aregbeshola, and visited a few schools in Osogbo - the state capital, and in Ede.

Earlier, she was formally welcomed to Eko Hotels -  her official residence while in Lagos, by the hotels General Manager Danny Kioupouroglou, and the Group Managing director of the chain Mr. Ghassan Faddoul, both of whom commended her vision, efforts and creative avenues in making the continuous case to educate the African Girl child.

Zuriel leaves Nigeria for South Africa, her 5th country on the #FollowTheBall project, and would stop off in later in Mauritius, the 6th and final country of the tour. She would have travelled more than 25,000 miles by the enbd of the project.

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