BrandArena : Africa Intelligence offers its subscribers a free mobile application

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Africa Intelligence offers its subscribers a free mobile application

Africa Intelligence on Tuesday, May 13, 2014 launched a mobile application for the exclusive use of its subscribers. After having gone 100% digital in April 2013, Africa Intelligence is pursuing its development and can now offer its readers the opportunity to access all their content on mobile appliances:

The application is available for use with IoS (Apple), Androïd and Windows operating systems.

In addition to launching the new mobile application, Africa Intelligence is also unveiling its new logos. These give the site a very modern graphic appearance, with stylish design, lively colours and uncluttered navigation.

These changes will be taken further in autumn 2014 through a redesigning of the user and graphic interface of the whole of the Africa Intelligence website.

Published in English and in French since 1996, Africa Intelligence is a portal which hosts five publications providing exclusive information about Africa for a professional audience:

Three regional publications explain the workings of political and economic power: West Africa Newsletter (West and Central Africa), The Indian Ocean Newsletter (African countries bordering on the Indian Ocean) and Maghreb Confidential (North Africa);

Two sectorial publications follow economic and political strategy in the mining and energy sectors: Africa Energy Intelligence and Africa Mining Intelligence.

Africa Intelligence is published by Indigo Publications, an independent press group based in Paris. Apart from Africa Intelligence, the group, which is often described as “the smallest international press group in the world”, publishes three other websites (, and

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