BrandArena : No chance of Qatar 2022 re-vote, says Fifa medical chief

Wednesday 2 April 2014

No chance of Qatar 2022 re-vote, says Fifa medical chief

Fifa Executive Committee member Michel D’Hooghe insists there will be no re-voting of the bidding process for the 2022 World Cup which is set to take place in Qatar.

Speaking to the London Evening Standard, D’Hooghe said: “There will be absolutely no re-vote. Some in the English press want that. But it’s not the English press that decide.”

In recent days, the Japanese FA had indicated they would be willing to host the 2022 tournament in the event it was taken away from Qatar.

D’Hooghe also rejected any suggestion of foul-play during the voting.

“I had no feeling anything was going on then and I still have no feeling that there was corruption during this vote," he said.

“The voting took place in absolute religious silence, like a conclave to elect the Pope. Everybody had to give his mobile on entering the room. I have done so many elections, there was not much difference to the earlier ones.”

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