BrandArena : BlackBerry Not Leaving Handset Market – CEO

Friday 11 April 2014

BlackBerry Not Leaving Handset Market – CEO

BlackBerry CEO, John Chen
BlackBerry has responded to reports claiming the company could leave the handset market, saying the business is an important part of its end-to-end strategy.

Commenting on the report through the company's blog, BlackBerry helmsman, John Chen said: "I want to assure you that I have no intention of selling off or abandoning this business any time soon.‎ I know you still love your BlackBerry devices. I love them too and I know they created the foundation of this company. Our focus today is on finding a way to make this business profitable.

"BlackBerry is not a handset-only company. We offer an end-to-end solution and devices are an important part of that equation. That’s why we’re complementing our Devices business with other revenue streams from enterprise services and software, to messaging. We’re also investing in emerging solutions such as Machine to Machine technologies that will help to power the backbone of the Internet of Things".

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