BrandArena : Summary of Episode Eight From the Maltina Dance All

Monday 12 September 2011

Summary of Episode Eight From the Maltina Dance All

With three families; Chidi, Efe and Edoho up for possible eviction after the “Wazobia” performance, the tension in the academy was palpable. The families had rehearsed thoroughly for the Salsa competition and were ready to show the judges the stuff they were made of.
In the order which Enoch Dare selected yesterday, a privilege bestowed on him for being the first best dancer of the night at the last competition, the Utogo family became the first family to hit stage. They were followed by the Ngwu family then the Adekpe family who did a performance that caught the Judges’ attention. Muyiwa Oshinaike commended the Adekpe’s synchronization and said he is satisfied with the essence of drama weaved into their performance. Next to perform were the Efe family with an infusion of the popular “Alanta” dance style. Following closely in their heels was the Chidi family. The Ekubo family was the next to perform followed by Anigbogu family then Dare, Edoho and finally the Owolabi family.
At the end of the show, Utogo and Anigbogu families were put up for possible eviction. According to Muyiwa, the Utogo family was put up for possible eviction because the concept of their piece did not have entertainment quality. He advised them to go back and think up more creative ways of bringing their concept to the fore as they prepare for another show.

For the Anigbogu family, Muyiwa said they were picked for possible eviction due to poor usage of stage. He advised them to make use of every available part of the stage if need be and learn to connect with each other as a family.
The dancer of the night was Glory Ekubo. On why she was chosen, Michael Adegoke, one of the Judges said “salsa is a dance that comes from within and when Glory walked down the stage, she went straight to character and her attitude was great, that is what we need in this show and she gave it to us.”

The five families up for possible eviction will have to come back the next day to thrill the audience with a double performance of Salsa and “Wazobia” if they want to remain in the academy.

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